Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device
An alcohol ignition interlock is a safety device fitted to a vehicle to enable or disable the starting of the vehicle in accordance with the result of a driver blowing test
Why introduce an alcohol interlock in your vehicles?
Valdav enamus liiklusrikkumistest on joobes juhtimine. Selliste sündmuste registreerimine on viimastel aastatel kasvanud ja tekitab palju probleeme ka ettevõtetele.
Alkoluku paigaldamine töösõidukitele on tõhus viis panustada turvalisemasse liikluskultuuri ning tagada, et töötaja eksimus ei saaks kahjustada sõidukit, kaupa, reisijaid ega ettevõtte mainet.
The cost of installing a car lock is only a fraction of the damage that can result from drunk driving
The working principle of an alcohol ignition interlock
The alcohol interlock consists of two main parts: a hand-held device and a central unit
- The driver must blow into the mouthpiece of the hand-held tool before starting the car
- The central unit analyzes the result (alcohol in the exhaled air)
- Based on the measurement result, the central unit either allows or prohibits the starting of the vehicle engine
Alcohol measurement and data storage
All operations related to the use of the device are recorded in the central unit of the alcohol interlock (blowing and non-blowing samples, measured alcohol contents, engine starts and stops, manipulation tests).
If the alcohol interlock detects intoxication or residual symptoms in the driver, the corresponding automatic notification is also received in the Navirec system.
This allows for prompt action and identification of employees who have come to work under the influence of alcohol
Technical specifications
- Measurement principle: electrochemical sensor
- Conditions for use: -40 ° C to + 85 ° C
- Ready for use: <16 sec (above 0°C); <60 sec (-20°C)
- Calibration interval: 12 months
- Talletusmälu: max 30 000 sündmust
The price of the alcohol ignition interlock is €1090
Installation fee €160
When using an alcohol interlock with a GPS tracking solution, a service fee of
€9 + VAT per month is added
The monthly fee includes access to Navirec tracking software and data usage
The value-added tax (20%) is added according to the law
You can use the Navirec solution on both PC and mobile devices with the Navirec app
(iOS / Android)
How to buy?
- Fill out the Order now! form
- Our customer support will contact you shortly to book an installation time