


In Navirec you can create quickly and simply reports customized to your company’s needs



Need-based approach


Whether your company has a few or a few hundred vehicles, drawing up reports is probably one of your daily responsibilities.


We know how time-consuming and tedious this can be, which is why we have made it as easy and convenient as possible for you!


In Navirec you have more options that enable you to draw up reports exactly to your needs



Advantages of our reports


You can create reports based on your vehicle fleet, trips, or drivers, or gather conveniently into one document all the fuel data of your entire fleet



With Navirec reports, you can


  • choose between over 100 different data fields
  • use ready report templates
  • add, swap, or remove data fields in the reports
  • delete or add reports to your dashboard with only a few clicks
  • export report data in PDF, XLS, and CSV format


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